Web Development Course
This class is aimed at students who may already have previous experience with any of these languages and who want to build a fuller picture of web development, or students with no prior experience who are interested in building a functional knowledge of basic web development.
Our Course and Concepts
Web development has become an increasingly popular skill, and this is a course on the foundations. Each student will learn the basics of the three languages of web design, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as getting hands on experience building a website in teams.
On the first day students will be put into two groups, those learning HTML and CSS, and those learning JavaScript, then on the second days the two groups swap topics. For the third day to the end, the students will choose a language and assemble into Scrum Teams to make a group webpage.
What You’ll Be Doing
Day 1
Students will start with introductions and being split into two groups. Group A will be doing HTML and CSS, and Group B will be doing JavaScript. The HTML and CSS
students will learn how to construct a website using essential HTML elements and decorate it properly, while learning the relationship between HTML attributes and CSS properties. The JavaScript group will be learning basic syntax and how to update HTML attributes programmatically to create reactive websites. The day will be punctuated with meal breaks and activities such as touch typing.
Day 2
Groups A and B change tutors and learn the associative skills, where we build more context of the skills their learning in the perspective of their previous topic. This prepares them with a fuller picture of building websites for the following days
Day 3
The first part of this day is dedicated to building a team with other students and choosing a language to work in, and a website to build. Once the teams have been
decided, there will be a group introduction to Scrum and how it works as a powerful organisational structure. After lunch, teams will start building, and the tutors will
provide assistance.
Day 4
The majority of day four will be spent finishing websites, and after lunch each team will prepare a presentation for each other and parents.